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The Generic Sublime 01
Harvard University

Cambridge, United States, 2010

Professor: Ciro Najle
Assistant: Anna Font


Students: Youngju Cho, Yao Dong, Song He, Jung Hyuck Im, Laura Janka, Ana María Maria Flor Ortiz, Víctor Victor MunozMuñoz Sanz, Seong Seok Ko, Rodia Valladares, Di Xia, Kaz Yoneda

Contemporary development is redefining the relationship between urbanism and nature, and in the process, it is taking the spectrum of architecture to a new liminal status. In this context, urbanism works as an extraordinarily large form of artificial nature, and the discipline is compelled to configure models to incarnate, through new forms of synthesis, the rapid urbanization of the territory and the radical deterritorialization of traditional urbanism, integrating both in a single building structure. These new structures simultaneously follow the tradition of utopian architecture, albeit paradoxically, while they straightforwardly engage with what in principle appears as extremely banal urban typologies.

Neonatures are architectural mega-forms resulting of the assemblage and branding of extraordinarily large forms of development in naturalistic artifacts. Neonatures hosts the urbanization of the territory through geomorphological forms, giving substance to a prosaic take on utopia: an archaic expression of power beyond urban goods and evils, both within and as-if nature.

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